
honorable mention, kind of.

i thought it was kind of cool that myself and fellow hobnox nerd sleepyheadz (jesse morash) was on dim mak's blog.


go kiss someone.



I feel really awkward watching Antony sing live, so this video is perfect, not to mention covering Beyonce like that is amazing.


pizza pizza and more pizza

my good friend and alcoholic anonymous colleague joel david miller has made want to eat pizza everytime i look at his blog. check it out.



It has been a while since I was incredibly anxious to see a movie on its release date. The themes, irony, and the subversive nature of District9 had me at the edge of my seat. Sci-fi would never be the first choice of genre I go for when it comes to choosing a film to watch, but the mere notion that beings from another world have become prisoner on our planet, and in a sense have become extraterrestrial concentration camp captives made this story incredibly thought-provoking and interesting. Even with the violence that erupts from these other-world creatures and human beings, the sympathy for these alien beings emulate those who have/do live(d) like refugees in slums. Political unrest and civil war has been documented history within our planet, since written text existed, but when beings from another world enter our realm, it is an entirely different and very delicate conflict. Although this is the majority of the basis for the film, I must also say that the twist that is thrown into the film completely makes it. Some may like it, and some will dissapprove, but I feel it is very fitting and appropriate; which in doing so, makes the film even stronger....oh one more thing, the action and special effects...awesome.


Bobby Evans loves robotz

ok, three posts in one day, last one i promise. this video is just way too good. crackfunked out electro banger.

Radio Hotbodies 53

demonz together on the list, but still not together on recording. a little bummed i didnt show up to introduce my own music. oh well...click the link for the show.


Thanks Evan! (even though I wish I was there).


creativity bug keeps biting

for some reason, when i want to make music the least it seems to come out much better. i still lack the structure and musical knowledge to fully attain what i hear in my head (not to mention not being able to have full control of the tools i require), but hey it is a start. pretty synthy. pretty synths.



i finally made another song, and i am really proud of it. the name fits since i am basically trying to mimic all the sounds textures and things i have been into lately...but please give it a listen, and perhaps a download. i love you.


it has been a while

...since my last post, but i have been pre-occupied with my mind among other things. my current mood and mental dystopia›››››