free-falling is something I am utterly terrified of. whether it has to do with the unnerving feeling of your insides engulfing into itself as if a black hole has spawned in the pit of your loin, or maybe a rational fear of plummeting miles towards the Earth to certain death. Either way, this video is one of my favorite music videos: A) it is boards of canada, a group that is highly influenced by the film board of Canada for funding of independent films in the areas of education, politics, art, music, and culture, and B) The mood of their song dayvan cowboy makes a perfect soundtrack for falling through air...above the Earth's atmosphere nonetheless. This record breaking free fall is footage of Joseph Kittinger in 1960 as part of Project Excelsior, which was a project to test the human condition during these high-altitude parachute jumps. Obviously from jump to water scene, is different footage, but needless to say the jump itself is a fall of epic proportions. Enjoy.